The Rex Apartments

30 May 2024

Apartment 518/50 Macleay Street in the Rex apartment complex is for sale through Angelo Bouras and Thomas Arthurs

The Rex apartments site has a colourful history.

It was originally the 1950s Rex Hotel famous for its nightclubs and visiting celebrities including the band Midnight Oil and Frank Sinatra, among many others. Its outside terrace area facing Macleay Street was our first al fresco dining area and was initially frowned upon allegedly being unsafe and unhygienic.

The original hotel faced Macleay Street with the award-winning Florence Bartley council library, public toilets and community centre facing Fitzroy Gardens. Both sites were then redeveloped in 2002 into today’s mix of apartments shops and a new community centre.

It now includes the Rex Bistro, take-away food shops, a chemist, the post office, a restaurant, the community centre and council’s community meeting rooms.

Interiors were cleverly designed by BKH architects with the foyer redesigned in 2012 by Mathieson architects.

Apartment 518 contains original BKH design features including green bathroom tiles and stainless steel vertical partitioning in the entrance/kitchen area.


By Andrew Woodhouse

Heritage Solutions

The Rex Apartments